
Omega Nu Lambda Privacy Policy

Omega Nu Lambda understands that protecting your personal information is important to you. As such, we have established this Privacy Policy so that you can understand what information we collect and how we use it. As an omeganulambda.org visitor, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. Changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted in this statement.


Omega Nu Lambda takes every precaution to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the Website, your information is protected. When you enter sensitive information, such as a credit card number, the information is encrypted with industry-standard encryption software-SSL. While on a secure page, such as our membership application, the lock icon displays when using Web browsers such as Outlook and Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Information Collection and Use

Omega Nu Lambda collects information in several ways on our Web site. Personal information is collected when you: sign up for membership, register for events or submit information or requests via this website.

The type of information collected may include name, address, email address, telephone and fax numbers, credit card information, and information on your preferences regarding membership.

Information collected from other areas of the site is used for billing purposes and to fill customer orders. Contact information may be used to contact you regarding your request or registration.

At times, email and postal addresses are used to contact members in order to generate volunteer support for the organization or to send surveys to collect data for industry research. Information may also be used to send promotions from Omega Nu Lambda sponsors. Omega Nu Lambda does not sell its membership lists to third parties, but may use third-party services that require sharing of information.  In those cases, the privacy policy of the third-party service must meet or exceed this privacy policy.

Special Offers

Occasionally, Omega Nu Lambda will send you information on products, services, events, and special promotions. Out of respect for the privacy of our users we present you the option of not receiving these types of communications. Opt-out choices are placed on every promotional email and fax. You may also opt out of all marketing promotions by contacting Omega Nu Lambda and requesting removal from all e-mail, fax, or mailing lists. You will be taken off lists within 2-4 weeks of your request. If you receive anything in the meantime, we apologize. Any changes to your personal information may be sent by those methods as well.


Cookies are files stored on a user's computer. They are correlated to the particular user but are not linked to any personally identifiable information. If a member or site registrant requests that his or her profile be listed in the online database program that allows directory searches, event registration and community interactions, it will require a login. This login can be stored on the user's computer in the cookies, and will reside on the user's computer for an extended period of time. The cookies are used to maintain login information and shopping basket contents.

Log Files

Like most Web sites, Omega Nu Lambda's Web site tracks individuals' site use. For instance, Omega Nu Lambda is able to identify the pages that registered users access. Omega Nu Lambda uses these statistics in order to provide better service and to improve the function and quality of the site for you and other users. Omega Nu Lambda does not share this information with outside parties.


Omega Nu Lambda uses Authorize.NET for credit card processing. This company does not retain, share, store, or use personally identifiable information for any secondary purposes.

Omega Nu Lambda also uses outside sources for Web site hosting. The ISP has access to information stored in our Web databases and log files. The data is stored for display or order processing as appropriate. The servers that store this information are in a secure environment provided by our hosting company. Omega Nu Lambda staff and their technical consultants who need information to perform a specific job such as order processing are granted access to personally identifiable information.

Omega Nu Lambda's sponsors have access to aggregate statistics regarding the number of click-throughs to their company websites. They have access to aggregate information pertaining to their particular ad, and are not provided any personally identifiable information.


This Web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that Omega Nu Lambda is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. When you click on links to other sites, please be aware that you are leaving www.omeganulambda.org and that this Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected on this site.

Visitors to www.omeganulambda.org can rest assured, knowing that their personal information is safe and secure.  

For specific questions or comments regarding Omega Nu Lambda's privacy policy, you can email privacy@omeganulambda.org.