
Omega Nu Lambda Constitution

Article I

Section 1

The name of the Society shall be Omega Nu Lambda.

Article II


To enhance the online experience by acknowledging, encouraging and connecting distant learners to their University and other members of the ONL community.

Article III

Section 1

The emblems of the Society shall be a lighted lamp stand to represent knowledge, a computer with a book inside to represent distant learning and the book represents how education has evolved from books to computers, a compass representing distant and direction, a laurel wreath representing victory and the Greek words, Omega Nu Lambda, contained in the ribbon flowing across the middle.

Section 2

The Coat of Arms, which is on the charter and certificate, shall be white with a navy and gray outline to encapsulate a deep green laurel wreath surrounding the shield. In the middle of the Coat of Arms shall be a ribbon with the words Omega Nu Lambda.

Section 3

The colors shall be Navy to represent inner security and confidence, Gray to represent devotion, and Green to represent prosperity and abundance.

Article IV

Section 1

The members of Omega Nu Lambda will be those that meet the eligibility requirements and have accepted their invitation to join the Society. There will be no discrimination based on race, creed, religion, disability, or gender in the acceptance of individual members.

Section 2

Active affiliates may be those who apply to have an Omega Nu Lambda representative at their institution meeting the guidelines as outlined in Article VI and the By-Laws.

Article V

Section 1

Alterations to the Constitution may be proposed by members of the Omega Nu Lambda Society by their Omega Nu Lambda College/University appointed Advisor. Any recommended changes to the Constitution must be written, signed by the Chapter Advisor and submitted to the Omega Nu Lambda National Office via certified mail. Upon receipt, the National Office will review, consult and consider the change. Approval is met by National and Chapter Advisor agreeing that the alteration best suits the overall wellbeing of the Society. The Omega Nu Lambda National Office will make the ultimate determination on whether the changes will be incorporated.

Section 2

For adoption into the Constitution, the Advisory Panel and the National Omega Nu Lambda CEO must reach unanimous agreement.

Omega Nu Lambda By-Laws

Article 1

National Organization
Section 1

The National Organization shall consist of an Advisory Panel to include the Society’s founder as well as members who can help better the distant learner’s experience through their knowledge of online education.

Section 2

The responsibilities of the Society shall be vested by the CEO of the Society and qualified CPA. No liability will be incurred by any voluntary board member.

Section 3

A National Headquarters shall be maintained to perform the administrative and clerical responsibilities as designed by the Omega Nu Lambda CEO and Advisory Panel. Staff shall be employed as required to administer the functions of the Society.

Section 4

The National Organization shall conduct all activities without discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion or disability.

Article II

Advisory Panel
Section 1

The Advisory Panel shall consist of the CEO of Omega Nu Lambda and a minimum of 3 members. The Founder of Omega Nu Lambda will be the CEO. The titles to fulfill will be Chair, Co-Chair and advisory members. The Advisory Panel Chair will be determined by the CEO and the Co-Chair and Members will be agreed upon by the CEO and Chair. The Advisory Panel will must meet the criteria of being a Professional and should be familiar with the online community. The CEO may change the structure of the panel as he/she sees fit to benefit Omega Nu Lambda’s furtherance of its purpose.

Section 2

The sole purpose of this Advisory Panel is to advise the Omega Nu Lambda Society staff and hold accountability of the Society’s purpose by supporting the distant learner and acknowledging academic success of distant learners. This shall be done by electronic correspondence to inform National Organization staff of the advances and better ways to enhance the online community as promised by the Society.

Section 3

The Advisory Panel may be a lifetime appointment. However, if a member desires to retire from the panel, this position will be filled to fulfill the minimum requirement of 3 members. When a Panel member retires, they acknowledge that all property of Omega Nu Lambda National Honor Society must be returned to the remaining Advisory Panel members. The Advisory Panel will not receive any equity in Omega Nu Lambda and may be compensated. If there is any compensation the CEO will determine that compensation.

Section 4

The Advisory Panel may have an annual meeting via email or skype, as determined by the Panel. Discussions will include, but not limited to, the activity and the future of the Society.

Section 5

The Advisory Panel has the authority to oversee any affiliations with Omega Nu Lambda including disciplinary measures if required to include probation of a chapter, declaring a chapter inactive or revoking the charter from said college/University. All property, including any financial support from Omega Nu Lambda, shall be returned to the National Headquarters at any time requested by the Panel.

Section 6

The Advisory Panel agrees to protect The Omega Nu Lambda Coat of Arms and any insignia representing the Society. The manufacture, sale, and the distribution of the insignia must meet approval of the Panel.

Section 7

The CEO may plan for the Panel meetings and provide for the recording and filing of the Panels minutes.

Article III

Eligibility for Membership in the Society
Section 1

To be eligible to join Omega Nu Lambda the student must be a non-campus, online curriculum degree seeking distant learner.

Section 2 - Criteria for the Grade Point Average Student Learner

The student must have completed at least 15 credit hours of online learning.

The undergraduate student must have a GPA of a 3.2 or better.

The graduate student must have a GPA of a 3.65 or better.

Section 3 - Criteria for Compentency-Based Student Learner

The undergraduate student-upon completing 48 competency-based units.

The graduate student-upon completing 18 competency-based units.

Article IV

Section 1

The Omega Nu Lambda Chapter Advisor makes the determination of whether to stream an induction ceremony to the new members of the Society by emailing new members with a link to stream the ceremony with a date and time to watch. The Advisor may structure the ceremony with words of welcome, the reading of the new Omega Nu Lambda members, and the revealing of what the Omega Nu Lambda Coat of Arms and the emblems represent.

Section 2

When a student joins Omega Nu Lambda, a certificate of acknowledgment will be sent directly to the new member with the meaning of the Omega Nu Lambda Coat of Arms and emblems printed on the back of their certificate.

Section 3

The Omega Nu Lambda Headquarters will keep record of all Omega Nu Lambda members and the name of the institution that confirmed their membership.

Article V

Chartering a Chapter
Section 1

Any institution that offers online studies may charter a chapter of Omega Nu Lambda.

Section 2

The institution must fill out a Charter application from the Omega Nu Lambda website. The institution must have a person who is employed by them to serve as an Omega Nu Lambda Advisor.

Section 3

Upon receipt of the Charter application, the said Advisor will be contacted by Omega Nu Lambda National Organization for direction on starting a chapter.

Section 4

The Advisor will be responsible for obtaining a list of eligible students (as stated in Article V) to email to Omega Nu Lambda National Organization. National Organization will email the said advisor an Omega Nu Lambda Letter of Invitation for approval. Once the Letter of Invitation is approved, Omega Nu Lambda may start the invitation process. Said Advisor will email potential Omega Nu Lambda members to congratulate them on being nominated to join Omega Nu Lambda and communicate that they will receive an official invitation from Omega Nu Lambda that will be emailed to them on their college/university email address.

Section 5

After the deadline of your Omega Nu Lambda invitation period, we may “close out” your chapter by emailing you the names of your new Omega Nu Lambda members. National Organization will directly mail the new Omega Nu Lambda members their membership certificates, honor cords and a special gift lapel pin. from National Organization to be determined by the Advisory Panel.

Article VI


The revenues of the Omega Nu Lambda National Honor Society are outlined in Statute 1-Section 1.

If this Society becomes inoperative, its funds will be used to pay off any debts and remainder shall be used to enhance the online community.

Article VII

Section 1

Amendments to the stated By-Laws for Omega Nu Lambda can be petitioned by an Omega Nu Lambda Advisory Panel member for discussion and adoption. The Advisory Panel must have a unanimous vote to implement approval of such amendment. The CEO of Omega Nu Lambda has the final determination on whether any changes may be made.

Section 2

Amendments will be accepted and discussed at the annual meeting of the Advisory Panel unless the CEO states otherwise.


Statute I

Section 1

The funds of the Omega Nu Lambda National Organization shall be kept in a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Bank and expenses shall be paid out by the National Organization with a required signature by the CEO.

Section 2

At the closing of invitation period for each chapter, National membership fees shall be paid to the National Organization by each Omega Nu Lambda member.

Section 3

The Advisory Panel may grant, upon the recommendation of the Chapter Advisor, free membership to those who are invited but are unable to pay said dues.

Statute II

Names of Chapters
Section 1

When the Chartering a Chapter form has been accepted, the Chapter shall be known by the name of the institution that the chapter is located.

Statute III


The Adviser of active Chapters will send, via email, a list of names of the eligible students who meet the criteria as stated in Article V of the Bylaws to the National Office which will then send out invitations to the eligible students. Invitations will be accepted through an Induction Management System that is managed by the operating staff from the National Office.

Statute VI

Membership Certificate and Insignia
Section 1

Only members of the Society can wear the insignia.

Section 2

Each member of the Society shall receive a certificate of membership with the Coat of Arms printed on the certificate along with the signature of the Advisory Panel Chair and the Founder. The ritual will be printed on the back of the certificate. Also included will be a set of double Honor Cords in the colors of Navy and Gray and a lapel pin of the Omega Nu Lambda Coat of Arms.